November…Christmas Gift Guide Special 2019

Traditionally November is a time to kick back, do other sports or even take a break from it all.  It’s also that time of year when people are asking “What do you want from Santa?” In past years we have done a bit of usefulness rating on what are likely gifts a triathlete would receive – just to give our loved ones a bit of an idea, this year we are putting a little topical spin on things.  With many people thinking about environmental impact and possible impending doom of brexit skintness we bring these issues in our northerntrier gift guide special.

bike.jpgA new bike
She says “Getting a new bike for Christmas is like being a kid again and no doubt it you will be waiting for the relatives to go so you can ride the new shiny machine.  Very exciting”
He says “Could this be a disappointing return? what if it is not quite the right bike? can anyone honestly know their partner that intimately that they could buy a bike for them? I don’t think so, and if they did choose it, then its not a surprise…..dicey”
Ethical issues make sure its a carbon bike as we need less carbon in the atmosphere and plants are carbon based so really its all natural and sustainable. In reality, local business need your custom and if you need after sales service, its a wise choice.  In my opinion, second hand always comes up trumps.

She says 
“Needs a bit of research but its a good idea, not much impact on unwrapping it either really, but if that person really wants someone to push them and get the best out of themselves, I’m sure it would go down well”
He says “It’s certainly effective and I think its a great gift for the right person.  Take care no to offend anyone though, I know someone who got their partner a slimming world subscription! good intent but not well received”
Ethical issues comes up good this one with very little impact to the environment – modern communication has even taken away the need to travel with coaches being able to help from wherever they are.

un gift.jpeg

Race Entry
She says 
“You did this and really the present was for you watching me not enjoy it!! gifts should be something people want and not something they then feel obliged to do”
He says “hmmm, yeah fair enough.  Again it would be difficult to surprise someone if it was a big race, but its a nice gesture especially if money is getting in the way of someone achieving their dream”
Ethical issues The gift itself has no real impact but getting to the race, and the race itself does and although that sounds a bit petty, there have been many threads on social media suggesting that races could do a lot more.  Medals, T-shirts and all sorts of plastic waste – will we see an “environment friendly event” in advertising? I think we will.
Triathlon Tat (mugs, medal hangers, calendars…the type of thing that litter cat lovers houses – remove cat and add triathlon)
She says “Its an easy gift, they can be funny and lets face it – its the stuff you don’t buy yourself.  Some stuff is practical too, it just has your interest on it, who doesn’t want a swim, bike, run, sleep coaster set?”
He says “Indeed we need this in our lives,  I do like a calendar – just don’t get me socks with “When one sport is not enough” on them!
Ethical issues It can go deep this one, where do they come from and who is making them? making stuff ourselves is one solution and it would  be even more bespoke and cheaper too.  Anyone with kids will know the joy of receiving something made from pipe cleaners and dried pasta shapes.


Anyhow – whatever Santa brings, enjoy it!  Merry Christmas and we will see you all in 2020!! x

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