February 2019, what caught our eye?

A cold snowy start to the month didn’t last and by the turn of the short month it was positively balmy.  With more duathlon action taking place further down the country, we can look forward to the early local events that start in March.
Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree, outdoor, nature and water

Anglian Water Standard Duathlon (Qualifier)
I’m not sure what the glitch was but the results said Garry Walker of Coalfields came in 2nd – however he was clearly awarded first Vet and secured a place on the GB team.  With the fastest split out of the overall top 4, he confirmed that his public “Trispoke”  wheel choice had been effective!   Andy Biggs of Durham Tri, likes to pull on a GB strip too and hopefully did enough for the roll-down in a very tough 50-54 field.  Andy showed his experience with well paced runs either side of a 1:11 bike split, finishing in 2:23:54.  Carl Forbes of Godleys Cycles outran his nearest opponents by 6 mins! in the 35-39s placing 4th.  While 2020 seems a while away from now, its likely that this ITU event will form part of a festival style event in Holland.

Image may contain: one or more people, people riding bicycles, motorcycle and outdoor

Andy also went Trispoke?  was he following Garry’s insta?

The Valentines 10k race this year had a bit of a special “Triathlon” moment in respect of our region, or am I just making my own truth there!  Matthew Alderson runs for Blaydon Harriers, competes for Ryton Tri and is coached by local lad Michael Lavender. Regardless, he came first!  and I think he will be happy with a few local scalps he took along the way too.  Michael said he feels he “Has him in really good form at the moment”  and with one eye on London, may that continue.   Gun time 34:28!!
Hedley Fletcher came in 19th (2nd AG) ,  Dave Garner 38th (Ryton) (4th AG) Ben Dixon 43rd (Tri Northumberland) – all of the same camp out of 654 runners.

Image may contain: Matthew Alderson, standing and outdoor

“Most who set out to chase down their 10km PB times quickly had to change plan and just run as hard as they could as the wind picked up and made it a hard day battling into skirt lifting, snot flinging gale force winds” – A brief snotopsis of the race from the coach!

We all saw Mr Brownlee romp to victory in Singapore, but its not just elite racing that goes on.  There’s a number of different event to watch or get involved with and ex pat Alan Blakie got to do exactly that in the corporate (Team Enduro) race for Integrated Riding Racing Team, picking up 3rd prize, setting the fastest bike split of the day only to be photobombed by some joker later on!

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What caught her eye?   Indoor Triathlon, perfect conditions – always in view, a “TV spectacle” but disappointingly dull.
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What caught his eye?  Tricademy’s training camp swim pics, just like summer! looks like Daryl is getting hard time, also good!
Image may contain: one or more people, swimming, ocean, outdoor, water and nature


The race calendar soon fills up with some great local events in March and April, we will be out and about taking pics etc.  Don’t forget if there’s anything you want covering, just get in touch via Facebook or Instagram @northerntrier inbox, or even just tag us in a post.  You can also email northerntrier@gmail.com.
Next stop – suncitytri Duathlon 24th of March.



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